Equipping you to clear anxiety, navigate life and experience peace.

Marianne Vreugdenhil BA, BSW

Counsellor & EFT Practitioner

Welcome to Lighthouse Counselling & EFT. My name is Marianne Vreugdenhil and I’m a counsellor and certified EFT practitioner with a degree in Social Work. I offer an encouraging, non-judgemental space where you can share your story and clear your anxiety.

My aim is to equip you with tools to heal the underlying issues that are keeping you stressed and stuck so you can feel more calm, confident, capable and joyful in your daily life. One of my key tools is evidence-based EFT, also known as Tapping, which you can learn more about here. If you’d like help releasing challenging emotions, healing past hurts or clearing negative thought patterns, you can book a free 20 minute discovery call to find out more or skip the discovery call and book an initial consultation.

I look forward to hearing from you.

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How I can help you

  • Do you feel stressed out, anxious or stuck?
  • Do you have a harsh inner critic who never lets up?
  • Are you easily triggered?
  • Unable to say no?
  • Do your coping strategies no longer work?

My Services

By equipping you with tools that you can use at home or work, the next time you’re faced with a challenge, you’ll know exactly how to tap into your inner state of calm and be able to handle the situation with greater ease.

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What is EFT / Tapping?

EFT is a highly effective evidence-based stress relief tool that offers a solution to anxiety, overwhelm and feeling stuck.

Anxiety keeps the body and mind in a heightened state of stress. By gently tapping on particular acupressure points on the body while repeating specific phrases, clinical trials have shown that EFT can quickly calm the nervous system. This enables you to safely process challenging emotions and transform negative thought patterns.

Science of EFT Tapping

As an accredited certified EFT practitioner, I will guide you through this process, tailoring the session to your specific needs.

What to Expect


Trauma Vanished

If you have a problem, consult Marianne. She is approachable and easy to talk to.

When I had an enduring emotional reaction following a job-related trauma I went to her. Step-by-step she unravelled the situation, starting right at the beginning. She quickly got to the nub of the problem and led me through what had occurred in such a way as to show me where I held responsibility for the situation and where I did not. I could see this as the situation unfolded. I did not experience fear or shock. Afterwards the trauma simply vanished.

Carmen, Adelaide

Imposter Syndrome

Marianne's approach was extremely effective in reducing my anxiety levels and increasing my confidence. Her patience, friendly and professional manner, together with a calming environment, certainly reduced my psychological stress associated with my anxiety. I highly recommend her services as an effective way to manage any stress and anxiety-related concerns you may have.

Adam, Adelaide

Health Stress

Through the guided tapping sessions Marianne helped me feel very clear and at ease about my own needs and boundaries that I could clearly see were needed to support me. This is quite an incredible practice and I was genuinely surprised at the change in the strength of my feelings at the beginning of each session compared to the easing I felt by the end. I highly recommend Marianne as a practitioner, her reflective listening and subsequent personalised tapping made each session incredibly valuable.

Kylie H, Adelaide

Healing the root cause

Marianne's tapping sessions were a much-needed wake up to the flurry and slurry that could be my life permanently. This gentle therapy of touching trigger points while focused on healing the root of an issue proved soothing, meaningful and readily accessible as an ongoing therapy for maintenance of the loving self.

Robert, Adelaide

Work Stress

Marianne has an impressive ability to tease out deeper issues that you may not even be aware of yourself. In her soothing voice she is able to decipher the topic for intervention, help you identify your feelings and expertly articulate subjects for closer examination. She is a confident and caring EFT practitioner.

Kristin W, Adelaide


I can highly recommend EFT as a tool to deal with anxiety. I use it regularly after a single session. I can also highly recommend Marianne. She is calm and kind, and guided me through the process with expertise.

Kristin J, Adelaide

Back pain

I was sceptical EFT could work with physical pain but since the physio hadn’t helped my back, in desperation, I decided to give EFT a try. After only a few minutes of tapping, the stabbing pain in my back began to ease. Through gentle questioning about what was stressing me, I recalled I’d been stabbed in the back by a colleague. We tapped on my feelings of hurt and disappointment about my colleague’s behaviour and, much to my surprise, the tension in my back eased. By the end up the session, I was able to walk around freely and I actually bent over and touched my toes. Tapping works!

Meg E, Adelaide

Feeling broken

I came to Marianne feeling pretty broken. Years of bullying had left me at a point where I felt completely depleted & was living in a place of fear, shame & low self esteem. Through EFT Marianne gave me a safe space to deal with all these negative emotions & allow healing to begin. The counselling & EFT techniques have empowered me with positive self talk, ways to build inner resilience & to have a voice. For me the sessions have been life changing & I would recommend Marianne to anyone needing support to make positive changes in their life.

Emma, Adelaide
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